Founded in 1994 by Alia Shams

Arvida is an Cultural Association which was created with the aims to protect vital energy artists rights, provide residence for elderly artists, develop organic agriculture, preserve traditional cultures and languages in danger of extinction.

"Artists linked to Life"

Connecting artists with vital energy rights, organic lands, and traditional culture for a sustainable future.

Amora Shams on this photo in the Peruvian Amazon's 2024 working in the development of ARVUDA project to protect trees like this one.

Arvida Projects

Explore the diverse projects at Arvida that promote vital energy rights.

Survival Techniques Art

Discover the ancient dance, sculpture, natural crafts, and nature paintings focused on survival techniques at Arvida.

lets love over community text wall
lets love over community text wall
Organic Agriculture Initiatives

Learn about Arvida's commitment to protected organic lands and sustainable agriculture practices.

Vital Energy Rights

Providing essential services for elderly artists to thrive and create in a protected environment.

Therapeutic Ancient Dance

Experience the healing power of ancient dance techniques to rejuvenate mind, body, and soul.

Nature Paintings

Explore the beauty of nature through our artists' traditional paintings and drawings inspired by organic agriculture.

silver and gold round coin on white and black textile
silver and gold round coin on white and black textile

Arvida's dedication to preserving vital energy rights and promoting traditional culture through various artistic activities is truly inspiring.

Elena M.

four person holding each others waist at daytime
four person holding each others waist at daytime
